Thursday 1 July 2010


Would you like to try writing an sms with abbreviations???
I'm going to give you an example and you'll have to create a similar SMS ok?
Hi James!I'm @ the uni now but I'll B out b4 ten, cud we meet @ Tesco? CU L8R

Now have a look at the following abbreviations and try to write yours! (taken from

SMS Text Messaging Abbreviations:

Anything - NTHING
Are you OK - RUOK?

Are - R
Ate - 8

Be - B
Before - B4
Be seeing you - BCNU
Cutie - QT

Date - D8

Dinner - DNR

Easy - EZ

Eh? - A?

Excellent - XLNT

Fate - F8

For - 4
For your information - FYI
Great - GR8

Late- L8
Later - L8R

Lots of love/laughs - Lol

Love - LUV

Mate - M8
Please - PLS

Please call me - PCM

Queue/cue - Q

Rate - R8

See/sea - C

See you later - CU L8R

Speak - SPK

Tea - T

Thanks - THX

Thank you - THNQ

To/too - 2

To be - 2B
Today - 2DAY
Tomorrow - 2MORO

Want to - WAN2

What - WOT

Work - WRK
Why - Y

You - U

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